Light Up Lakewood Time for Original Lakewood Subdivision
by Lakewood on Nov.29, 2020, under Garden Club News

Light Up Lakewood Time for Original Lakewood Subdivision – Awards issued on December 21.
Well, friends and neighbors, it is that time of year again. Time to light up Lakewood like never before with that good ol’ holiday spirit. This year more than ever, we are all in need of some good cheer and bright lights.
For those of you new to the neighborhood, Light Up Lakewood is a long-standing tradition organized by the Garden Club that we all look forward to at Christmas time. Just to be clear for new people Light Up Lakewood only includes the original part of Lakewood down to Oak Haven. Around Thanksgiving, or shortly thereafter, households go digging through their stored Christmas decorations (or go out and buy some new ones) to create an outdoor display that brings joy to other neighbors. It can be as elaborate or as simple as you choose, so long as you are having some delight while doing it. Shortly before Christmas, on a designated night, our volunteer Garden Club Committee then drives through the neighborhood selecting the top 5 homes. Those 5 homes are then awarded a small prize for their efforts and a sign is placed in front of their home announcing them as a Light Up Lakewood Winner , like we do with Yard of the Month. Winners homes will also be photographed by Karen Knight and published on Nextdoor, the LCA website and in the Baytown Sun. Again, the areas the Garden Club judges homes on are originality, general appeal, implementation/idea/design. We also always abide by an established rule of no repeat winners within a 3-year period.
Since 2020 is so far from a normal year, we have decided to do something different that we hope you will enjoy. This year we are going to let the Lakewood residents decide the winners. Residents will select the top 5 houses that meet the criteria of originality, general appeal, implementation/idea/design. You will submit your 5 nominations by Sunday, December 20th to this email address Only one submission per email address is permitted and we ask that residents not nominate their own homes. The objective of this is to get you out with your family to view other homes and have some fun while doing so. Votes will be tallied up and winners announced on Monday, December 21st.
Here are the 15 addresses that do not qualify to win this year because they have been selected in the last 3 years:
503 South Burnett, 401 Post Oak, 419 Azalea, 213 Mayhaw,101 North Holly.
208 Hackberry, 112 Redbud, 502 Post Oak, 209 Burnet, 205 Yaupon
301 North Burnett, 304 Post Oak, 302 Greenbriar, 410 South Burnett, 316 Burnet
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
In 2020 let us all join in lighting up Lakewood like never before. Through the lights, Christians are reminded of the powerful illumination of Jesus. Light Up Lakewood also signifies the powerful nature of the holiday irrespective of your religion and affirms that each of us are connected in love and hope in this beautiful enclave of Lakewood!
I love Light Up Lakewood. I hope you do too! Now let us get started on firing up our neighborhood. Good luck.