Pool News
Lakewood Pool Club Rental Info
by Randee King on May.03, 2022, under Pool News
Get those family parties scheduled now!!!

Lakewood Pool Club Info
by Randee King on May.03, 2022, under Pool News
With the rampant inflation affecting us all, we have decided to go against our financial instincts and are NOT raising our rates or party fees. Please spread the word on the best deal in town! We open on Memorial Weekend. May 28th – 30th. Saturday is free swim and free pizza will be provided for lunch.

2021 Lakewood Pool Season Has Ended
by Randee King on Sep.07, 2021, under Pool News
All good things must come to an end and the Lakewood Pool is now closed. It’s been wonderful to see people enjoying themselves in the pool this year; families spending time together instead of on the phone or in front of the TV, making memories that will last a lifetime. This validates all the hard work that has been put in and makes it all worth while. If you want an opportunity to give a little of your time, to join a fun and thankless group of great people, to get a phenomenal feeling of volunteering for the greater good, please think it over and let us know. We thank you for an incredible season. You are the reason we do this. Until next spring…
Lakewood Pool 2021 Season
by Lakewood on Apr.28, 2021, under Pool News
Open weekends starting Memorial Weekend – May 25th, 26th, & 27th
May 4th (Sat) Clean Up day! (volunteers needed)
May 25th – Free Swim & Summer Kick-off Party
Pool available for party rental around May 11th
233 Greenbriar– Baytown – Like us on Facebook for more info
Family Memberships still only $190 for the summer!
Contact James via “Contact -> Pool” at the top of the page
Lakewood Pool Reopening
by Randee King on May.28, 2020, under Pool News
Great news! The Lakewood Pool will be reopening on June 6th. If you are planning a party this year, please, please call James immediately and lock in your date and get him your $100 deposit. 832-541-3505.
Last September a huge amount of money was spent to have the entire big pool refinished. It looks amazing. Membership is open to everybody – you don’t need to be a Lakewood resident to join. Membership forms can be found at: https://lakewoodcivic.org/?page_id=107
The annual work day to get the pool ready to use will be this Saturday, May 30th, starting about 8 am. Volunteers to help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for supporting the Lakewood Pool Club
Lakewood Pool Reopening June 6th
by Randee King on May.14, 2020, under Pool News
Fabulous News!!! We are slated to reopen on June 6th. If you are planning a party this year, please, please call James immediately and lock in your date and get him your $100 deposit. 832-541-3505.
FYI, last September, we spent a huge amount of money to have the entire big pool refinished. It looked amazing as you can tell in the pictures below. There is 1 “before” pic for reference. The pool has only been partly refinished once in over 60 years.
Our annual work day is May 30th if you would like to help, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again for supporting your local pool.
Dive-In Movie Night at Lakewood Pool June 14th
by Randee King on Jun.11, 2019, under Pool News

Summer Kick Off Party
by Randee King on May.28, 2019, under Association News, Pool News
The first annual Summer Kick Off Party co-sponsored by the LCA and the Lakewood Pool was a huge success. Sparkling water, perfect weather, games, prizes and outstanding food by Burton Backyard Barbeque – what an awesome day! Much thanks to the volunteers that made this happen – Renita Price, Joy Huntington, Sheila McClellan, Tammy Calaway, Fran and Kevin Parent, James Springer, Joanne Springer, Ken Martin and Randee King.

by Randee King on May.17, 2019, under Association News, Pool News

The Lakewood Civic Association in conjunction with the Lakewood Pool will be holding a Summer Kick Off Party on May 25th from 12 – 4 pm. It will be a FREE fun day to meet your neighbors, with swimming and other activities like lawn twister, ring toss, giant jenga, volleyball and more. You might even win a prize. Burton Backyard Barbeque will be selling BBQ plates, superfries, burgers and other delicious food.
The Lakewood Pool (located at 233 Greenbriar Street) has plenty of parking, tables and chairs with shaded areas, the children’s pool has just been resurfaced and the large pool has been cleaned and is ready for your enjoyment.
If anyone is interested in setting up a booth to sell items or can assist with activities during the party, please reply or private message us. We hope you and your family can attend.
Lakewood Pool Damage
by Randee King on Apr.26, 2019, under Pool News
Anyone recognize this person? He tried to break into the Lakewood Pool building and damaged the door. A report was filed (case #19-24078) with the Baytown Police Department.