Deed Restrictions

In general, Lakewood deed restrictions provide that lots are to be used for residential purposes only, and there is to be only one residence per lot and no temporary residences. Minimum building areas and distances from the property lines are defined. No animals except household pets may be kept on any property. Activities that are a nuisance to the neighborhood are prohibited.

The deed restrictions in Lakewood are complicated because each of the twenty sections of Lakewood has restrictions that are somewhat different than the others. The map below shows the different sections. Below the map are links to the summary sheets for each section. If needed the Lakewood Civic Association can provide more information.

Click on the Section name for a summary of the Deed Restrictions for that area:

Section A
Section B
Section C
Section D
Section E
Section F
Section G
Section H
Section I
Section J
Section K
Section L
Section M
Section N
Section O
Section P
Section Q
Section R

Section Lakewood Oaks
Section Point Royale
Summary Sheet for Sections

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