Author Archive

LCA Nominating Committee Selects Board Candidates for 2019 Election

by on Feb.25, 2019, under Association News

Per the Lakewood Civic Association (LCA) bylaws, a nominating committee was assigned by the LCA president. As it has been done in the past, the nominating committee this year was comprised of several LCA board members that were not running for re-election to the board. The available board members for the nominating committee were Wayne Hanson, Frank McKay, and Randy Dickey. Multiple potential candidates were under consideration from both residents that submitted their own names and residents that were asked to run for the board. Eight candidates have been selected for the four available positions per the bylaws.

The eight candidates will be on the ballot in the newsletter planned to be mailed out mid-April. The votes of the paid members who return ballots will be counted a couple of days before the annual meeting on May 14, 2019. The new board members with the largest number of votes will be announced at the annual meeting.

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January 2019 Lakewood Yard of the Month

by on Jan.19, 2019, under Garden Club News

The January 2019 Lakewood Yard of the month is 210 Pin Oak, Heather and Jill Gonzalez
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Lakewood Resident, Dell Cantrell, Published Poet

by on Dec.30, 2018, under Association News

Local Lakewood resident, Dell Cantrell, has published his first book: “In God’s Eye, a Collection of Poetry”. How Dell came to write poetry and the origin of this books was in an article in the December 27, 2018 Baytown Sun,

Proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to the building fund of Trinity Episcopal Church

Dell Cantrell, a cradle Episcopalian, is a first-time author who was born in Houston but has lived in Baytown for the last 43 years. A retired certified public accountant and a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, he lives with his wife Suzanne and is an active member of Trinity Episcopal Church where he’s served on the vestry, sung in the chancel choir and served as church treasurer for many years. He and Suzanne have two daughters and two grandsons.  Dell is also serving as the Vice president of the Lakewood Civic Association

For more information about the book, visit  

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Red Skies Sea Scouts

by on Dec.20, 2018, under Association News

Article in Baytown Sun by PETER CUSHMAN, Sea Scout Ship skipper and resident of Lakewood:

In October the members of the Red Skies family and friends celebrate an occasion that has not happened in Raven District of East Harris County, ever.

Backing up a bit, Baytown has had Sea Scouts for about eight years. For the last five years, Sea Scout Ship (SSS) 208, aka The Red Skies, have, been together be-. cause of the support of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church and Rev. Peter Miller as well as the Church Committee.

SSS 208 has grown in the last five years with the support of a committee of parents, Skipper Peter Cushman and Matte. Carl Smith.

Today the Red Skies and all those attached celebrated three young ladies who completed a five-year journey to the rank of Quartermaster. This rank is awarded to young men or women following requirements that ensure knowledge and skills that build character, leadership skills, knowledge in seamanship, piloting, maintenance of a vessel, operation and navigation of a course, do it, teach it and more.

Boy Scouts of America has parented Sea. Scouts and which was founded by Sir Bandon Powell only a year after Boy Scouts worldwide. Candidates for Quartermaster are held to similarly high standards of Eagle Scout candidates.

With far fewer members than Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts have even a smaller percentage of members make it to their highest rank. Roughly 5 percent of all Boy Scouts earn the Eagle Scout Award, would. you believe that just 0.5 percent of all Sea Scouts earn the Quartermaster Award each year? • So, with that background, The Red Skies celebrated three Quartermasters to be added to the roles of SSS208’s accomplishments.. Members Shayna Smith, Lelaina Clayburg and Savannah Cushman received recognition for meeting all the requirements for a young person to be awarded the rank of Quartermaster.

Presiding over the ceremonies was Commodore of Sam Houston Area Council BSA, Mr. Dan Wilson, Fleet Representatives and honored guests/ presenters included: Skipper Rob Freas Galveston SEAL coordinator, Lynn McKee, Matte 846, Matte Todd Thrash, 1701, Skipper Joy Ang 993 who spoke Of the trio of Quartermasters as “Young women who have grown in skills and abilities beyond their age.” In a ship, SSS208, that is welcoming and working with others in the Scouting community.

These ladies have individually and combined have a very complete resume’ with activities, work and training in:

  • participated in Several Community Service events with the Ship We have become Service Leaders
  • done annual fundraising to cover the costs • of activities and supplies, food and transportation for events.
  • attended National. Youth Leadership Training and two to staff events as well. sailed in the Harvest Moon Regatta from Galveston to Port Aransas and! Or Bay Cup Races with Skipper Freas on Sirley a 44′ or 36′ Gremlin Offshore racer.
  • advanced and/or Rescue Divers
  • learned to build skills in maintenance, construction, mechanical, and operation of various sizes of boats, and more.

“These young ladies have laid the foundation for The Red Skies, they are what we want young people to become.” Said the author. and Skipper of SSS208. During the Bridge of Honor Matte Carl Smith said, “How many young people get to learn to work On and sail boats, or race offshore, not many.”

As a parent I confess, I wanted my daughter involved in “more”, but at 14 I was not sure what that would look like. When I was introduced into a new type of Scouting., Sea Scouting, that I could do with my daughters…. I. was “Hooked”. That, seems to be the term to describe the feeling that Mrs. Ang, Shi.p#993,.Mr.• Thrash.SSS#1701 and Mr. Smith SSS#208 all used to characterize their attraction to Sea Scouting.

There have been countless days sailing with the Red Skies, working on our boats, diving, camping, and attending other events with other ships in the SHAC fleet. All the work and time has been a growing exercise for me as a parent, teacher. and scouter; Most adults that work with a Scouting organization get that same sense of accomplishment from working with the young. adults that will lead our future.

The committee for SSS208. of Phylis Hildenbrand, Jenny Clayburg and Jessica. Woods has helped build a network of sup-. port for the youth in the Ship that helps’ on acquisition of new supplies, organizing events like our annual seven-nine day campout “long’ cruise”, SCUBA camp with B&W Diving of Channelview, ‘Mini” Cruise,, and events like. Sea Scout Academy: or Safety at Sea held this year at the Coast Guard Station, Galveston, coming up in November. There is always ‘plenty to do’.

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Lakewood Crime Report for Aug – Nov 2018

by on Nov.29, 2018, under Neighborhood Watch

See link to document for combined crime report August through November for Lakewood:

Aug – Nov 2018 Crime report 

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November 2018 Lakewood Yard of the Month

by on Nov.23, 2018, under Garden Club News

Lakewood Garden Club Yard of the Month for November was awarded to Lynne and Dan Foley at 204 Post Oak Dr



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October 2018 Lakewood Yard of the Month

by on Oct.15, 2018, under Garden Club News

Kevin and Fran Parent at 208 N. Burnet were the October winners. Kevin planted all the Caladiums himself!

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September 2018 Lakewood Yard of the Month

by on Sep.14, 2018, under Garden Club News

The Lakewood Garden Club has chosen the home of Joy and Spencer Carnes as the winner of the September Yard of the Month. The winning property is 205 Pin Oak St. in the Lakewood subdivision.

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August 2018 Lakewood Yard of the Month

by on Aug.06, 2018, under Garden Club News

Situated on the canal 222 Yaupon is a cobalt colored contemporary home with relaxing tropical garden touches. Recently purchased by Tom and Norma Sherman they enjoy caring for their yard and getting to know the Lakewood Community. We welcome Tom and Norma to the neighborhood.

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Lakewood Civic Association 2018 Board Officer Election Results

by on Jun.26, 2018, under Association News

New officers and positions were elected on June 26, 2018 at the first board meeting since the annual meeting.

The 2018 -2019 Lakewood Civic Association Board member positions are:

Randy Dickey


Dell Cantrell


Frank McKay


Mary Bagwell


Randee King

City Liaison

Wayne Hanson

Civic Pride

Spencer Carnes

Dan Poirot

Boat Club

Board members are volunteers elected for 2 year terms by association members that are paid up with dues.

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