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Lakewood Community Garage Sale – April 5th, 2025
by Randee King on Mar.30, 2025, under Association News
The Lakewood Community Garage Sale is Saturday, April 5th, 2025 from 8 am – 2 pm. Below are addresses for the homes that are participating:
401 Azalea Drive
202 Hackberry Street
305 Lakewood Drive
154 N. Burnett Drive
410 Oak Haven Drive
303 Red Bud Lane
123 Tanglewood Street
Click on map to enlarge

Good Neighbor Award Recipient
by Randee King on Mar.18, 2025, under Association News
Please join us in recognizing Wayne Herron as the latest recipient of the Lakewood Good Neighbor award. Wayne is a caring, compassionate neighbor. He helps several of his neighbors with house repairs as well as assisting them with errands and driving them to doctor’s appointments. He keeps an avid watch for any suspicious activity and responded immediately when he noticed a neighbor was having health issues. He also attended to a lost toddler and summoned help to keep the child safe. Recently Wayne has been working on the boat gate to make it easier to open and close.
We thank Wayne for being such a nice helpful neighbor!
If you would like to recognize someone in Lakewood for the Good Neighbor Award, please visit This distinction is awarded on a quarterly basis and recognized with a yard sign and gift card.

Upcoming Lakewood Activities
by Randee King on Mar.14, 2025, under Association News
click on the link to jump to that section on the pag
Upcoming Events
April 5th – Community Garage Sale
April 29th – Oyster Gardening Program Pick-up
May 15th – LCA Annual Meeting and Boat Club Registration
May 3rd (tentative) – Lakewood Pool Clean-Up
May 24th – Opening Day at Lakewood Pool with free swim
July 15th – Listening Tour with Police Chief Stringer
COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE – April 5th, 10 am – 2 pm.
IT’S SPRING-CLEANING TIME! Gather all your treasures for the bi-annual Lakewood Community Garage Sale, held on Saturday, April 5th from 8am-2pm. There is no cost, and you set up your garage sale at your house. The Lakewood Civic Association is collecting addresses to be posted on the LCA websites and published in the newspaper. Please send your name and address to to get on the list, Lakewood residents only please. If you are a LCA member, we have yard signs available on request. All addresses are due by March 31st.
OYSTER GARDENING PROGRAM PICK-UP – April 29th, 4 pm – 6 pm
Would you like to grow oysters to help clean up the water in our bays? The Galveston Bay Foundation has an oyster gardening program to grow oysters along our bayfront. If you have a residence on Burnet Bay or want to help a bayfront resident grow oysters, please register for this event at: This event is being held at the Trinity Bay Discovery Center in Beach City.
LAKEWOOD ANNUAL MEETING – May 15th, 7 pm – 8:30 pm.
The Lakewood Civic Association Annual Meeting will be held on May 15th at the Baytown Fire Training Center located at 7022 Bayway Drive, which is just across the street from our subdivision. New keys for the Boat Club will be distributed from 6 – 7 pm and the annual meeting will be held from 7 – 8:30 pm.
The Guest speaker will be Mayor Johnson. This meeting will be a great opportunity to learn more about what’s coming to Baytown and to our neighborhood, plus a chance to have questions answered. Send us any questions you would like Mayor Johnson to address and we will forward them to him.
All Lakewood subdivision residents are invited to attend. We hope to see you there.
Come out and help get the Lakewood Pool ready for another great season. Assistance is needed in trimming trees, cleaning the pool house and pressure washing table and chairs.
LAKEWOOD POOL CLUB OPENING – May 24th – Free Swim & Summer Kick-off Party, 233 Greenbriar Open weekends starting Memorial Weekend
Thanks to a generous donation from ExxonMobil Family Memberships will still only be $199 for the summer! Grandparent memberships are available for $125. Plus the pool will be available for party rentals. Call/text James @ 832-541-3505 for more info and pool availability for party rental. Also, ExxonMobil is funding food from Someburger at this event.
LISTENING TOUR – June 15th , 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm.
The Public Safety Listening Tour will include Police Chief John Stringer and Councilman Kenrick Griffith. This tour will give you an opportunity to talk directly to Police Chief John Stringer and visit with Councilman Griffith about public safety in our city.
April 2025 LCA Board Meeting
by Randee King on Mar.14, 2025, under Association News
The next Lakewood Civic Association (LCA) Board meeting is currently scheduled for April 17th at 6:30 pm at the Baytown Fire Training facility. Please review the LCA Board Open Meeting Policy for more information if you would like to attend:
City Listening Tour – Tuesday, January 14th
by Randee King on Jan.12, 2025, under Association News
From our City Councilman – Ken Griffith:
Baytown’s district 3 has an opportunity to get off to a running start in 2025! I have taken the privilege of inviting representatives from our IDA neighbors, ExxonMobil, to speak and answer any questions from you, the constituents. I also have invited 2 representatives from Lyte Fiber to come and share about a new option of communication provider in Baytown and speak on their project that involves running fiber optics in our neighborhoods. Lyte Fiber will be providing refreshments. Don’t miss this opportunity to have your questions and concerns answered and addressed by the City manager and Myself. We want to hear from you!

LAKEWOOD CRIME REPORTS for September 2024 through November 2024
by Randee King on Dec.12, 2024, under Neighborhood Watch
Click on these links to view the latest Crime Reports provided by our neighborhood liaison Cpl. K.W. Hockless.
Park for Lakewood
by Randee King on Dec.07, 2024, under Association News
The LCA continues to work with the City of Baytown to have a dog park with a children’s play area built in the Lakewood area. This presentation from the City shows the proposed park on slides 4 and 5. Slides 7 and 8 show potential equipment for the park.
Please follow the link below to review these slides. Let us know which equipment options you would like to have at the park by emailing the name(s) of the equipment to: LCA Board . We value input on the design and will send all suggestions back to the City who plans to finalize the design in the next few months.
Neighborhood Watch Meeting
by Randee King on Dec.03, 2024, under Neighborhood Watch

Hello Neighbors,
We will be having a Lakewood Neighborhood Watch (LNW) meeting Thursday, December 12, 2024 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. Our meeting will be held at the Baytown Fire Department’s Training Facility located at 7022 Bayway Drive.
If you have a topic(s) for the agenda please let me know by email.
Please invite a neighbor, hope to see you on the 12th.
Thanks, Chet Theiss
Lakewood Holiday Parade & Food Drive
by Randee King on Dec.03, 2024, under Association News

Attention all Santa Helpers!
Santa and Mrs. Claus, along with the Lakewood community, are excited to host the third annual Holiday Christmas Parade & Food Drive on Saturday, December 14th. We will be collecting non-perishable food items for Hearts and Hands of Baytown from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The Parade will run from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. If you miss us, don’t worry—food donations can still be dropped off at Travis Elementary until 7:00 p.m.
How to Donate:
- Along the Parade Route: Anyone who would like to donate non-perishable food items can flag down one of the golf carts in the parade. The carts will pick up your donations and deliver them to the food collection point at Travis Elementary.
- At Travis Elementary: Community members can also drive to Travis Elementary School (100 Robin Rd, Baytown, TX 77520) to drop off their donations in person in the parking lot in front of the cafeteria, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Parade Details:
- The parade will include a variety of vehicles, such as golf carts, ATVs, four-wheelers, bikes, motorcycles, cars, and trucks.
- The parade will begin at 5:00 p.m. in front of Travis Elementary and end in the parking lot in front of the cafeteria.
We encourage all vehicles in the parade to be festively decorated for the holiday season! The LCA will award prizes to the top three decorated vehicles.
Important Parade Info:
- Please arrive by 4:45 p.m. We will start the parade promptly at 5:00 p.m.
- Judging will begin at the conclusion of the parade, so all the lights and decorations can be fully appreciated during the judging.
We look forward to seeing our wonderful community come together for this festive and charitable event!Attention all Santa Helpers!
Santa and Mrs. Claus, along with the Lakewood community, are excited to host the third annual Holiday Christmas Parade & Food Drive on Saturday, December 14th. We will be collecting non-perishable food items for Hearts and Hands of Baytown from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The Parade will run from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. If you miss us, don’t worry—food donations can still be dropped off at Travis Elementary until 7:00 p.m.
How to Donate:
- Along the Parade Route: Anyone who would like to donate non-perishable food items can flag down one of the golf carts in the parade. The carts will pick up your donations and deliver them to the food collection point at Travis Elementary.
- At Travis Elementary: Community members can also drive to Travis Elementary School (100 Robin Rd, Baytown, TX 77520) to drop off their donations in person in the parking lot in front of the cafeteria, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Parade Details:
- The parade will include a variety of vehicles, such as golf carts, ATVs, four-wheelers, bikes, motorcycles, cars, and trucks.
- The parade will begin at 5:00 p.m. in front of Travis Elementary and end in the parking lot in front of the cafeteria.
We encourage all vehicles in the parade to be festively decorated for the holiday season! The LCA will award prizes to the top three decorated vehicles.
Important Parade Info:
- Please arrive by 4:45 p.m. We will start the parade promptly at 5:00 p.m.
- Judging will begin at the conclusion of the parade, so all the lights and decorations can be fully appreciated during the judging.
We look forward to seeing our wonderful community come together for this festive and charitable event!

Light-Up Lakewood
by Randee King on Dec.03, 2024, under Garden Club News
Get your lights on!
The annual Lakewood Garden Club Light-Up Lakewood judging will be Thursday evening, December 12th, starting around 6 pm. Winners will be chosen that night and announced as soon as the pictures are processed and posted.