Auto-Dialer Scam Warning

by on Feb.22, 2016, under Neighborhood Watch

One of our Baytown PD detectives asked me to pass this along to all my neighborhood watch groups in hopes of keeping anyone from becoming a victim of this scam.

The detective is working a case along with a Secret Service Agent from the Dallas area. The Secret Service Agent advised they are beginning to see an upswing in “auto-dialer scams” in Texas with very heavy activity in the Dallas area.

What is an auto-dialer scam? I will explain. Your phone rings, when you answer it is an automated phone/computer system talking to you rather than a real person. The call will ask you to verify your banking or credit card information. Some of these calls are very clever and tricky.

The rule to remember is IF YOU DO NOT INITIATE THE PHONE CALL AS TO BE 100% CERTAIN WHO YOU ARE TALKING TO, DO NOT GIVE OUT ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION. Simply hang up the phone and call your bank or credit card company to verify they were trying to reach you.

These scams are becoming more elaborate and the crooks are good at what they do. However, you are in control of you info. Don’t be fooled in giving it out over the phone.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.


Stewart Beasley

Crime Prevention Officer

Baytown Police Department

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