2016 District 3 Council Corner – Brandon Capetillo

by on Jun.17, 2016, under District 3 Council

2016 District 3 Council Corner


I hope this letter finds you in good health. I want to take this last opportunity to keep you updated with a few items happening in Lakewood and around our community. Construction is nearly complete (finally) on Azalea Drive, marking another neighborhood street being completely rebuilt from 2007 bond funds approved by Baytown voters. Over the past 11 years many of our Lakewood streets have been addressed in some fashion and we are in much better shape than before, but our mission is not complete and I hope that continued focus on repair or complete replacement will be ongoing.  I would suggest long, high traffic streets such as Lakewood Dr., Burnett Dr. and Pin Oak Dr. should be on the top of the list. Additionally, I am working with our Parks Department for some improvements to be made at Travis Park.  If you believe any areas are in need of street lighting for better visibility, please forward me the nearest address so that I can request installation at District3@baytown.org.


It is easy to see that Baytown is rapidly growing with new retail, restaurants and housing being constructed in and around the city.  San Jacinto Mall is near the beginning phases of its transformation to become a vibrant and attractive retail destination.  The developer is scheduled to release a final layout and plan with potential coming retailers and occupants. I think you will be very happy with the outcome! I also believe that we will have a commitment from HEB very soon…..what an exciting time for Baytown.


Lastly, I simply want to thank you for allowing me to serve as your councilman the past 11 years. I have learned so much about the needs of our community and hope I have made a difference in making A Better Baytown for you and your family. God Bless and have a great summer.


Brandon Capetillo

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