Warning: Scam in Baytown Area

by on Oct.27, 2016, under Neighborhood Watch

This case actually happened just outside the city limits in Harris County and the police were not notified. We only found out through a family member.

Please pass this along to your neighborhood watch groups and let them know there is a con man in the area.

Male subject in a blue truck approaching elderly residents outside their home and striking up a conversation about how he did roof work for them 3-4 years ago when no such work was ever done. Male builds a rapport with elderly victim and offers to do “more work” for victim, quoting a very low price for something that would normally cost much more. (Example: $48 to black top driveway) if elderly victim agrees to the deal, male does shoddy; bogus work in about an hour or less and tells victim the price is now $500. If victim refuses to pay he threatens to call police on them.

If anyone has had this type of encounter or should anyone be solicited for something like this, please contact the police.

Stewart Beasley

Crime Prevention Officer

Baytown Police Department

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