Credit Card Reader Scam in Baytown

by on Jan.25, 2017, under Neighborhood Watch

Officer Steward Beasley wanted to share some info with our neighborhood:

“We have been finding card readers or skimmers in town for several years. If you are not familiar with skimmers, they are simply a device that has the ability to read and store your credit/debit card information. Your card information can then be pulled from the skimmer and loaded onto a blank card such as a gift card, essentially cloning your card.

As I mentioned, we have been finding these for a number of years. However, the frequency in which we are finding them is increasing. Moreover, the technology is becoming better and the ability to detect them is becoming more difficult.

The pictures below are of a skimmer that was located at an ATM at one of the banks in Baytown. Because this is an ongoing investigation I am not authorized to give specifics of the case. My intent is to show that this is a real threat and it is here in town.

We have also recovered skimmers from inside stores. In the pictures below, the faceplate is fake but professionally fabricated to look identical to the original.

Make a habit of inspecting the card reader before you insert your card. If anything looks suspicious notify an employee or call the police. Reconcile your accounts daily if you are a person who uses your card frequently and look for charges that are not yours. Remember your card will still work, if it has been cloned.

If you want to learn more about these and other trending crimes as well as how we catch these criminals you should sign up for the Baytown Citizens Police Academy. The first class starts Tuesday, January 31. Contact Officer Beasley if you are interested in joining the upcoming class.

If you guys could get this passed on to your folks I would appreciate it. Let me know if you have any questions.”

Stewart Beasley

Crime Prevention Officer

Baytown Police Department

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