LCA 2020 Annual Meeting Postponed – How Boat Club Key Distribution will be Done
by Lakewood on May.15, 2020, under Association News, Boat News
Due to COVID-19 and social distancing recommendations the annual Lakewood Civic Association (LCA) meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 21st is being postponed. However keys for Boat Club members will be distributed as planned from 6 pm – 7 pm at the Lakewood Church of Christ, 7701 Bayway (at Honeysuckle).
To facilitate Boat Club key distribution and social distancing we ask that:
- If you have not already turned in your forms, please pre-fill out the LCA Membership and Boat Club forms and bring them with you. The forms can be found at:
- LCA Membership Application:
- Lakewood Boat Club Application:
- Bring with you the following:
- Watercraft information – make, model, TX registration number
- Auto/plate information
- Your old key (for previous Boat Club members). The lost key fee is $20.
- Correct fee amount (check or cash). Boat Club membership fee is $40. If you have not already paid your Lakewood Civic Association dues of $30, you must pay them at the time you join the Boat Club for a total of $70 for Lakewood residents. See website for fees if you live outside the neighborhood.
To minimize exposure risks we will be collecting applications and handing out keys under the covered area on the Honeysuckle Drive side of the church.
For the safety of everyone, we respectfully request:
- At all times as reasonably possible, maintain social distancing of at least six (6) feet from any other person.
- Anyone who is feeling sick or who currently has a fever, OR if they reside in a household where another resident of the household has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, please do not come to the church but instead contact us via the LCA website ( to arrange to get your Boat Club key at another time.
Please note if you cannot come to the church to get the Boat Club key there may be a delay in getting a Boat Club key to you.
Thanks for your understanding.