Brandon’s Bulletin – April 2013

by on Apr.04, 2013, under District 3 Council

Hello Neighbors,

I just want to take a quick minute to express my appreciation to the Lakewood Civic Association and Lakewood Garden Club for their continued efforts of ensuring we have a beautiful neighborhood to enjoy.  We are very fortunate to have such an active neighborhood community.

The City and I continue to identify streets within our area to recondition or reconstruct to provide safer roadway conditions.  A few park benches were recently installed at Travis Elementary Park for parents and children to have a place to rest and enjoy the play area. Also, you may have seen the water tower on Bayway Drive has recently been repainted and looks great. It is also good to see some new businesses have opened on Bayway and have improved the commercial properties. We continue to attempt to remove some of the visual blight along Bayway and address properties that degrade our area quality of life.

 It is my distinct privilege to represent you on Baytown City Council and I look forward to seeing you out and about in the community. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail at , May God Bless you and your family.

Brandon Capetillo

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