Proposed Change of Deed Restrictions

by on Dec.13, 2015, under Association News

The Lakewood Board of Directors have been working on proposed revisions to the about 20 different original deed restrictions of the various Lakewood sections. The new restrictions have been developed over several years. This is in response to issues and complaints on the conditions of some properties in Lakewood which the existing older deed restrictions do not clearly address.


There will be a hearing on January 21, 2016 for property owners to provide any feedback to the board concerning the proposed deed restrictions. This hearing will be for the board to receive comments but not to answer questions. All the questions will be collected and studied by the board for response afterwards via the website – We want to give careful consideration to each and every question and provide a well thought out response.


Please take time to carefully read the newsletter and the proposed deed restrictions via the link below:

Comments are closed.

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