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July 2016 Lakewood Yard of the Month

by on Jul.15, 2016, under Garden Club News

LakewoodYardof the Month_203PinOak_Jul2016

The Lakewood Garden Club has chosen the home of Jerry Bowers at 203 Pin Oak as the Yard of the Month for July. The blooming crepe myrtles, contrasting bushes and terra cotta planters make this yard stand out.

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Lakewood Civic Association 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes

by on Jun.19, 2016, under Association News

Lakewood Civic Association Annual Meeting

May 19, 2016


Welcome—President Randy Dickey welcomed those present.

Treasurer’s Report—Treasurer Frank McKay distributed copies of the annual financial statement which reflected an similar ending balance as last year.

Board of Directors—Randy recognized the newly elected board members Mary Bagwell, Pat Cauley, Randy Dickey, and Frank McKay.  He then thanked retiring board member Mary Ann Beltz for her service to Lakewood.

General Meeting Program—City of Baytown employees Tiffany Foster (Director of Planning and Zoning) and Mike Lester (Health Department Director) gave overviews of the various issues that their respective departments could and could not address under existing municipal ordinances.  They also responded to questions from the audience.

Proposed Deed Restriction Status—Randy provided a brief overview of some possible options for revisions and deletions based on input from the January Hearing on the proposed new deed restrictions.  The membership at the annual meeting was asked for a “show of hands” to vote on which options they agreed with. The board will continue to work on the proposed new restrictions.

Pictorial Presentation of Existing Neighborhood Issues—Using a slide show, Randy illustrated the problematic situations that are not currently addressed by our deed restrictions.  Most in attendance agreed that a revised and updated set of deed restrictions could help preserve and protect Lakewood as a desirable neighborhood in which to live.

City Council Representative Report–District 3 representative, Brandon Capetillo, expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to serve Lakewood and then reported on the status of various district and city situations that included:  Lakewood street improvements, proposals to alleviate traffic issues on Garth Road, and plans for the San Jacinto Mall “makeover.”

Lakewood Clubs–Brief reports were made for the following:

Boat Club–The board’s efforts to secure a grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Association for boat club improvements were briefly summarized.

Lakewood Pool Club–James Springer provided information regarding membership fees, hours, and rental fees.

Lakewood Garden Club—President Joanne Springer reported on this organization’s ongoing efforts to encourage neighborhood pride through their Yard of the Month designations and yard-decorating contest at Christmas.

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2016 District 3 Council Corner – Brandon Capetillo

by on Jun.17, 2016, under District 3 Council

2016 District 3 Council Corner


I hope this letter finds you in good health. I want to take this last opportunity to keep you updated with a few items happening in Lakewood and around our community. Construction is nearly complete (finally) on Azalea Drive, marking another neighborhood street being completely rebuilt from 2007 bond funds approved by Baytown voters. Over the past 11 years many of our Lakewood streets have been addressed in some fashion and we are in much better shape than before, but our mission is not complete and I hope that continued focus on repair or complete replacement will be ongoing.  I would suggest long, high traffic streets such as Lakewood Dr., Burnett Dr. and Pin Oak Dr. should be on the top of the list. Additionally, I am working with our Parks Department for some improvements to be made at Travis Park.  If you believe any areas are in need of street lighting for better visibility, please forward me the nearest address so that I can request installation at


It is easy to see that Baytown is rapidly growing with new retail, restaurants and housing being constructed in and around the city.  San Jacinto Mall is near the beginning phases of its transformation to become a vibrant and attractive retail destination.  The developer is scheduled to release a final layout and plan with potential coming retailers and occupants. I think you will be very happy with the outcome! I also believe that we will have a commitment from HEB very soon…..what an exciting time for Baytown.


Lastly, I simply want to thank you for allowing me to serve as your councilman the past 11 years. I have learned so much about the needs of our community and hope I have made a difference in making A Better Baytown for you and your family. God Bless and have a great summer.


Brandon Capetillo

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2016 – 2017 Lakewood Civic Association Board Officers

by on Jun.17, 2016, under Association News

New officers and positions were elected on June 16, 2016.

The 2016 -2017 Lakewood Civic Association Board member positions are:

Randy Dickey


Dell Cantrell


Frank McKay


Mary Bagwell


Elaine Brainard

Civic Pride

Pat Cauley

Civic Pride

Spencer Carnes

City Liaison

Tim Christensen

Deed Restrictions

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May 2016 Lakewood Yard of the Month

by on Jun.10, 2016, under Garden Club News

Congratulations go to Randy and Karin Dickey whose yard has been chosen as the Lakewood Yard of the Month for June. This yard has enjoyed plenty of rain and the stone bordered beds are in full bloom.

Congratulations go to Randy and Karin Dickey whose yard has been chosen as the Lakewood Yard of the Month for June. This yard has enjoyed plenty of rain and the stone bordered beds are in full bloom.

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Boat Club 2016-7 Membership Application

by on May.08, 2016, under Boat News

The membership application and membership rules can be found with the following link:

Filling out your application in advance of the LCS meeting will allow quicker processing of your membership.

There a a few changes in the rules. Summary:

  1. Applicants are required to show identification confirming they live in Lakewood or Lakewood estates at the time of making the application.
  2. Lakewood Estate residents will not be required to join the Lakewood Civic Association but will have a boat club fee of $75 (vs. $70 for Lakewood residents)
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May 2016 Lakewood Yard of the Month

by on May.05, 2016, under Garden Club News

LakewoodYardof the Month_213PostOak_May2016

The Lakewood Garden Club has chosen the home of Ronald & Donna Woodard at 213 Post Oak as the Yard of the Month for May. Many hours of work have gone into this beautiful, newly landscaped yard. It is filled with colorful flowering tropicals and palms that should withstand summer.

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