Archive for August, 2022
by Randee King on Aug.30, 2022, under Association News
The City of Baytown is moving the discussion for a Park for Lakewood. It will now be held on September 12th at 6 pm at the Fire Training Field which is located at 7022 Bayway Drive.
Please support this initiative which will enhance on neighborhood by attending this meeting.
Baytown Sun Article – Good Neighbor Award
by Randee King on Aug.23, 2022, under Association News
Good Neighbor Award Recipient
by Randee King on Aug.14, 2022, under Association News
Please help us recognize James Springer as the latest recipient of the Lakewood Good Neighbor award. James is well known for his dedication and the numerous hours he volunteers running the Lakewood Pool. James also is one of the first people to help people out with questions on our neighborhood and makes a special effort to keep our neighborhood looking nice. We thank James for being such a good Lakewood neighbor.
If you would like to recognize someone for the Good Neighbor Award, please visit This distinction will be awarded on a quarterly basis and recognized with a yard sign and gift card.
Oyster Growing for a Healthier Bay
by Randee King on Aug.08, 2022, under Association News
The Lakewood Civic Association has partnered with the Galveston Bay Foundation to pilot growing oysters in Burnet Bay. Did you know one oyster filters 50 gallons of water a day helping to remove unwanted pollutants? However, oysters and their habitat are threatened by increasingly powerful storms (60% of oyster habitat was lost in Hurricane Ike), overharvesting and pollution. Our goal is to grow oysters and create an oyster reef which will serve as shelter for crabs, shrimp, and juvenile fish, and in turn serve as a food source for other wildlife. In addition, the oyster reefs help stabilize sediment on the bay bottom and can prevent erosion along shorelines while the oysters remove pollutants for a healthier bay.
August 2022 Lakewood Yard of the Month
by Lakewood on Aug.04, 2022, under Garden Club News