Nominations for LCA Board

by on Feb.24, 2016, under Association News

The Lakewood Civic Association welcomes nominations for the May 2016 board election. Four of the eight board positions are up for election. Board members serve terms of 2 years with half of the board positions elected each year. Candidates must be residents of Lakewood and paid up members of the Lakewood Civic Association. You may nominate several individuals (or yourself). The nominees must agree to be candidates and to serve the 2 year term before being placed on the ballot.


You may submit the name(s) directly to a current board member or through the “Contacts” button at the upper left corner of the website.


Please provide contact information (phone or email) for all candidates.


All nominations must be submitted by March 11, 2016 to meet the ballot/Newsletter publication schedule.


Lakewood Civic Association Board

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