Lakewood Resident, Dell Cantrell, Published Poet

by on Dec.30, 2018, under Association News

Local Lakewood resident, Dell Cantrell, has published his first book: “In God’s Eye, a Collection of Poetry”. How Dell came to write poetry and the origin of this books was in an article in the December 27, 2018 Baytown Sun,

Proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to the building fund of Trinity Episcopal Church

Dell Cantrell, a cradle Episcopalian, is a first-time author who was born in Houston but has lived in Baytown for the last 43 years. A retired certified public accountant and a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, he lives with his wife Suzanne and is an active member of Trinity Episcopal Church where he’s served on the vestry, sung in the chancel choir and served as church treasurer for many years. He and Suzanne have two daughters and two grandsons.  Dell is also serving as the Vice president of the Lakewood Civic Association

For more information about the book, visit  

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