by on Aug.28, 2024, under Uncategorized

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BAYWAY DRIVE CLEANUP – Come volunteer and help pick up trash to make our neighborhood look better. This event on September 21st will be a “come and go” activity where you can pick up and drop off supplies anytime between 7 am and 2 pm in the parking lot of Miss Vicki’s (formerly Shiners) on Bayway Drive. Please mail Jennifer at lakewoodadoptaspot@gmail.com to RSVP and/or get more info!

LISTENING TOUR – The City of Baytown wants to hear your thoughts, concerns and ideas for public safety in our City. This is an opportunity to engage directly with City Leadership and public safety officials to help shape the future of Baytown. This meeting will be held on September 24th from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm at the Fire Training facility located at 7022 Bayway Drive.

BAYTOWN LITTLE THEATER – The Lakewood Civic Association has arranged for our members to attend a special comedy performance of Baytown Little Theater’s “Queen of Bingo”. In the tradition of the hilarious Harvey Korman and Tim Conway sketches from the old Carol Burnett Show, comes the stage comedy The Queen of Bingo! ‘Sis’ and ‘Babe,’ two sisters on the other side of 50, want to add a little fun and excitement to their lives…but where to find it? BINGO! The show starts on September 26th at 8 pm and there will be light refreshments available starting at 7 pm. Space is limited to 50 people for this event which is free for LCA members (limit of 2 tickets per membership).  These tickets sell for $20/person, but if you become a LCA member you get 2 tickets to this performance for only $30, plus snacks and drinks.

NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Come meet your neighbors and local first responders October 1st    from 5:30 – 7:00 pm at Travis Park. There will be snacks, games and door prizes. This event is hosted by Lakewood Neighborhood Watch and the Lakewood Civic Association.

COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE The Lakewood Community Garage Sale is coming back on October 5th from 8 am – 2 pm. It’s time to start cleaning out your closets and the garage. The Lakewood Civic Association (LCA) will be sponsoring it again for the second time this year for residents to sell items at their homes. It is open to everyone and there is no cost to participate. LCA members will get a yard sign to highlight the garage sale.
Please send us your name and address to garagesale@lakewoodcivic.org if you would like to participate.
Start cleaning out so you can sell those unneeded items and make some money!

GOOD NEIGHBOR AWARD Lakewood is a wonderful place to live and we have so many residents that go out of their way to make it even better. Acts of kindness and good deeds will be recognized on the LCA website and the outstanding “good neighbor” will be recognized with a yard sign & gift card.  Examples of good deeds are picking up trash in Lakewood, helping a neighbor with yard work or home repairs, checking in on elderly neighbors, etc.

 For more information and to make a submission for this award please visit the LCA website at: http://www.lakewoodcivic.org/?page_id=2404

Nominate someone today!

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