Lakewood October Events

by on Sep.26, 2022, under Association News

October is a busy month. We hope you will join us.

  • October 1st from 8 am – 2 pm there will be a Community Garage Sale. There’s still time to register your home to be listed on social media. If you are a LCA member, yard signs are available upon request.  A list of participating homes can be found on the LCA website ( Sell some items you no longer need or go shopping that day for some great deals.
  • October 4th from 6-8 pm Neighborhood Night Out at Travis Park. There will be snacks, games for adults and kids, prizes and more. Come out and meet your neighbors and City Officials.
  • October 1st – October 21st there will be a Halloween Decorating Contest. Decorate your yard for a chance to win a gift card. Winners will also have a sign to display in their yard.

These events are brought to you by the Lakewood Civic Association, Lakewood Neighborhood Watch and our wonderful neighborhood volunteers!

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